Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction

Literacy education strand Overview

The Literacy Education strand of the Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary collaboration between Reading Education, English Education, Teaching English as a Second Language, and Foreign Language Teacher Education encompassing dimensions of language, culture, and literacies broadly defined as they relate to urban education. The Literacy Education strand uses an apprenticeship model of teaching and learning, meaning that students are encouraged to work closely with faculty whose research interests, methodological approaches, and theoretical frameworks align with their own.

The Ph.D. in C & I, regardless of strand concentration, is a research-focused doctoral degree with a special emphasis on urban contexts. Along with their colleagues across degree strands, literacy education students follow a sequence of a minimum of four (12 hours) foundational courses critically examining aspects of urban education. Additionally, all degree students follow a sequence of five (15 hours) quantitative and qualitative research methods courses and a minimum of three (9 hours) courses related to dissertation work. Literacy education students additionally complete a minimum of 8 courses (24 hours) of interdisciplinary electives related to literacy education as they are available pending enrollment.

For additional information contact:

Dr. Erin Miller

Associate Professor of Language and Diversity
Literacy Education Strand Doctoral Coordinator
UNC Charlotte

Department of Reading & Elementary Education

9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
